Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What, Why, How

This is an old snapshot. For current progress see baunic.blogspot.com

What is the Fractal Universe Challenge (FUC)

A competition/collaboration/challenge to build/address a self-consistent fractal structure starting from simple rules and evolving to complexities of civilizations and more. Game-of-Life types of universes are fine, though anthropocentric ones are much more fun.


Awesomely fun, deeply philosophical, and practical purposes that go beyond the visual or the formulas.
A worthy goal within reach of individuals and communities. Affecting our whole civilization.


A competition between projects meant to bring forth collaboration between the humans creating/finding those projects.

Donation based prize money pot. Donators will be rewarded with the ability to vote on the projects, proportional to the amount given. Vote price will deflate after prizes are delivered but distributed votes will always be there despite new ones. That means contributor once, voter for life.


There will be a maximum of 5 competitions a year, requiring at least 50 bitcoins each, 25 of which will be delivered to worthy projects and the remaining will be up for next year's challenges.

Once a suitable pot has been gathered, voting members, challengers and various collaborators discuss and agree on deadlines to present, test, and judge competing projects.
Challengers can compete with one project per category.
Projects must be consistent, open and replicable.
Formula projects must include instructions about intermediary steps.
Tutorial projects are generic instructions instead of formula-specific ones. Tutorials here are what will change the world and bring the mathematical universe to the mases, bridging creativity and tools to bring those ideas to life.

Mandatory categories are:
1) Best Formula (the big 0scar of FUC)
2) Best Tutorial (easiest and most comprehensive paths from idea to rendering)

Other suggested categories (as agreed among voters, challengers and contributors) are:
3) Best Scenery
3) Most useful formula to aid current physics understanding
3) Best Chances for Life
3) Best Chances for Civilizations
3) Closest match to Our Cosmos (atoms, stars, galaxies, dark energy...)
3) The Fractal Supercomputer
4) Finding our home in the emc2 multiverse
4) 2-way communication (Meeting the lifeforms inside the fractals)
4) Supernatural initial cause within the formula (G0D)

Currently donations are gathered here:
We have a new Treasurer, Nathan Fisher of the channel Nate's Turn (ex Nate's Vlogs, unfairly taken down due to youtube copyright management) agreeing to collaborate with BAUniC in exchange for the free promotion he will get, (with his effort directly related to the popularity of the project, therefore fair), but also supporting the idea and the possible revolutions it may cause.
To check him out (worth your time for the related topics) you can go to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NatesTurn/videos

As of 2016, 1 bitcoins buys 1024 votes.
After a competition, 1 bitcoin will buy more votes, proportional to 'money pot before prizes' divided by 'money pot after prizes', with a worst case scenario of half the price.

For more information about how coins and votes will be handled illustrated with examples, check here: http://baunic.blogspot.com/2016/02/building-universe-competition.html

Liquid democracy rules will be used to handle the votes of those who wish to see the project going on but don't trust their expertise and time to indulge in proper testing and give correct verdicts. More information here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4lkCECSBFw

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