Wednesday, July 27, 2016

#BAUniC snapshot 20160727 - #BAUniC 2016

#BAUniC2016 is the competitive event finalizing the year's efforts of participating teams.

* Draft 'coordinated viral attempt'
* Draft 'open Letter to the internet'
* #BAUniC:promotion:meme:
* #BAUniC:promotion:movie: (SPOILERS!! Enter here only if you seek to contribute and guide actors/characters/story)

* Great resource to use:
* Great jump forward in some theories regarding fractal universes:

As of 20160720, simplified rules:
Each year winners will get 1/3 of the pot, or an agreed maximum lower than that (10 bitcoins and 5000 USD for first prize winners, increasing that if the total prizes can be covered with less than 1/10 of the pot. We will get less than the cut kickstarter gets for their 'just being there'.) 
Each year votes will half in price regardless of use.
2017 will see 1 bitcoin : 2048 votes, and 1 USD : 4 votes.
Damn straight we want this to grow into pyramid scheme, and provide self-sustaining money like Nobel prizes.
Full set of rules here:

Projects presented need to be consistent instructions on how to reproduce the results, including instruction set (x86, ARM...), Operating System (Windows, Linux...), program (and where to get the program), and steps to get from the seeding code to the rendered results.

Final date to present projects will be November 13, and voting will end on November 25, 2016, allowing adequate time for judges to test them and reach their conclusions.

* GoTeamAlbania (
* TheAlien5cientists (
* S0S_Universe_Team (no project presented yet)
* 196883 (intro from numberphile:, seeking new members that already know 196883, at
* PES_Golly (
* Vibrational-World (
* Quantum_asymmetry (between time and space)(

Nominated Challengers:
PETU (People for the Ethical Treatment of Universes)
UnfamiliarPhysics (keeping them nominated even after retreat)

Not Nominated:
"No Man's Sky" team, because their starships outclass ours infinity-to-1, but we love what you are doing for our civilization. (

Youtube representative: Terrence Popp of Bitcoin donations are gathered here:
Treasurer, Nathan Fisher of the channel Nate's Turn (

USD donations are gathered here:
(kickstarter project in the works. We live in a country where we can't open kickstarter directly, but we are managing through allies again)

During 2016, 1 Bitcoin : 1024 votes (rounded down to the lowest integer vote). 1 USD : 2 Votes.

Current Coin Pot: 0 (zero)
(what we need is intellectual contribution, the coins are here just to tease and gather eternal support through the mechanism of vote deflation)

Votes (for each category) will be given to the projects voters see fit, in any order or arrangement.
(e.g., if I have 10 votes, I may wish to give all of them to only 1 project on the 'Best Formula' category, and give 3-3-2-1-1 votes on the 'Best Tutorial' category, and pass on the decision to my mate in the 'Best Scenery' category.)
Projects will be ordered by number of votes in their respective category.


Participating teams will be rewarded with symbolic votes, 7 votes for their main project in the chosen category, +5 votes for a tutorial to building a similar project (not just steps to reproducing the results), and +3, +2, +1 votes for participating in other categories.
Finalists will also have a symbolic vote gift, +13 votes for making it to the finals of their chosen category, +11 votes for the tutorial finals, and respectively +6, +4 and +2 if they make it to more categories.
Winners will also have a symbolic vote gift, +19 votes for winning their chosen category, +17 if they win the tutorial race, and +9, +6, +3 if they win more categories.
These votes will be dispensed after the competition event and be valid from that moment on, not before.

Virtual Universe: zero votes (wi'd rather help in other ways, virtualuniverse.the at gmail)
Shqep Palla: zero votes (can't deflate that, shqepalla at gmail)
Nathan Fisher: zero votes (the Treasurer,
Rubin Gurabardhi: zero votes (will do a website redesign if there comes a need for it,
Alessia Morina: zero votes (charming the hearts of the new generation through gently whispered dreams of grandeur,
Terrence Popp: zero votes (#BAUniC youtube representative

Since this is a human-to-human collaboration project, votes are less important than actually brainstorming and bringing forth something worthy, rewarding in more ways than just dropping a preference on a project.

Organizational: virtualuniverse.the at gmail dot com

Cheerful/rageful chirping:
(expected rare posts. We don't believe in spamming your feed unless we have something to say)

Even less updates:

Like/share/retweet organizing:

Needs and collaboration:

20160420 - Encouraging participation by giving away symbolic votes.
20160507 - BAUniC RETwarmy
20160720 - Simplified rules

#BAUniC snapshot 20160727 - #BAUniC TL;DR

'Building A Universe Competition/Collaboration/Challenge' is our attempt to give the world a little push in the direction of sharing expertise, enthusiasm and inspiration, and interacting towards improving the tools and preparation which will help in our exploration of the mathematical universe, whether maths is the substrate of physics or not.


We seek to find self-consistent fractal formulas representing complex structures with enough stability and diversity to allow substructures to compete for finite 'resources' like energy, and evolve, and eventually build civilizations. We do not seek a Theory of Everything directly, though anthropocentric universes would be cool and awesome.


We think there is enough knowledge and computing power in the world today to allow persistent individuals to have a shot at finding life inside fractals, but the information is hard to find and swallow forming a gap that discourages fans and non-technical artists. We aim to bridge this gap with step-by-step tutorials and overall human interaction fueling the production of various tools and methods to easily go from idea to rendering.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel.


Where individuals and groups can present their formulas and path to visualizing them in a computer.
Where contributors and testers will check the presented works, replicate, evaluate, discuss, and eventually vote on them.


Mathematicians, Physicists, Programmers, Artists, Treasurers, Marketers, Testers, Organizers, Voters, and various well-wishing and people.
Voting Contributors are the ones who are rewarded with the ability to vote on projects by 1coin=1vote rule (actually 1bitcoin=1024votes & 1USD=2votes for the first year, halving the prize each year. The idea is: once you are a contributor, you will be a contributor for life, with exactly the same votes as before, inspiring you to be an ally in more ways than just a voter. New donations will buy more votes for the same coin, fair since you already voted. More information and illustration by example can be found at

twitter: @Virtua1Universe
virtualuniverse.the at gmail

#BAUniC snapshot 20160727 - What, Why, How

What is #BAUniC

A competition/collaboration/challenge to build/address a self-consistent fractal structure starting from simple rules and evolving to complexities of civilizations and more. Game-of-Life types of universes are fine, though anthropocentric ones are much more fun.


Awesomely fun, deeply philosophical, and practical purposes that go beyond the visual or the formulas.
A worthy goal within reach of individuals and communities. Affecting our whole civilization.


A competition between projects meant to bring forth collaboration between the humans creating/finding those projects.

Donation based prize money pot. Donators will be rewarded with the ability to vote on the projects, proportional to the amount given. Vote price will deflate after prizes are delivered but distributed votes will always be there despite new ones. That means contributor once, voter for life.


Projects presented need to be consistent instructions on how to reproduce the results, including instruction set (x86, ARM...), Operating System (Windows, Linux...), program (and where to get the program), and steps to get from the seeding code to the rendered results.

Final date to present projects will be November 13, and voting will end on November 25, 2016, allowing adequate time for judges to test them and reach their conclusions.

First prize will be x bitcoins/USD
2nd prize will be 3x/5, 3/5 of first prize.
3rd prize will be 2/5 of the first prize.
There will be 2 4th prizes at 3/10 of the first prize.
There will be 3 5th prizes at 1/5 of the first prize.
There will be 4 6th prizes at 1/10 of the first prize.
There will be 8 7th prizes at 1/20 of the first prize.

(5/5 + 3/5 + 2/5 + 2*3/10 + 3*1/5 + 4*1/10 + 8*1/20 = 1 + 1 + 3/5 + 3/5 + 2/5 + 2/5 = 4x first prize coins needed to fill in prizes for all winners including first prize)

There will be a maximum of 5 competitions a year, requiring at least 40 bitcoins or 20'000 USD each for a target first prize of 10 bitcoins and 5000 USD. If that cannot be reached within 1/3 of the pot, cuts to the prizes or to the number of competitive events will be made. If that can be reached within 1/3, priority will be given to self-sustainability, afterwards to the compensation of the collaborators (from volounteers previously, 2% of the prizes delivered after reaching 1/9 sustainability, for comparison Kickstarter takes 4%+3% at their stages of money accumulation) for their increased workload, then to the increasing prizes accordingly till reaching Nobel-Prize levels.

For more information about how coins and votes will be handled illustrated with examples, check here:

Voting members, challengers and various collaborators discuss and agree on deadlines to present, test, and judge competing projects.

Challengers can compete with one project per category.

Projects must be consistent, open and replicable.

Formula projects must include instructions about intermediary steps.

Tutorial projects are generic instructions instead of formula-specific ones.

Tutorials here are what will change the world and bring the mathematical universe to the masses, bridging creativity and tools to bring those ideas to life.

Mandatory categories are:
1) Best Formula
2) Best Tutorial

Other suggested categories (as agreed among voters, challengers and contributors) are:
3) Best Scenery
3) Most useful formula to aid current physics understanding
3) Best Chances for Life
3) Best Chances for Civilizations
3) Closest match to Our Cosmos (atoms, stars, galaxies, dark energy...)
3) The Fractal Supercomputer
4) Finding our home in the emc2 multiverse
4) 2-way communication (Meeting the lifeforms inside the fractals)
4) Supernatural initial cause within the formula (BigBang, G0D)

Currently bitcoin donations are gathered here:
Bitcoin Treasurer, Nathan Fisher of the channel Nate's Turn (ex Nate's Vlogs, unfairly taken down due to youtube copyright management) agreeing to collaborate with #BAUniC in exchange for the free promotion he will get, (with his effort directly related to the popularity of the project, therefore fair), but also supporting the idea and the possible revolutions it may cause.
To check him out (worth your time for the topics handled there, entertaining) you can go to his channel:

As of 2016, 1 bitcoins buys 1024 votes.
After a competition, 1 bitcoin will buy twice as many votes.

Liquid democracy rules will be used to handle the votes of those who wish to see the project going on but don't trust their expertise and time to indulge in proper testing and give correct verdicts. More information here:

#BAUniC snapshot 20160727 - Building a Universe Competition!

We are seeking the formula for a fractal addressable self-consistent structure complex enough to allow self-replicating sub structures within, with enough variation to instigate something akin to evolution.
The idea is simple enough to be within reach, and powerful enough to have potential for great changes, especially if the formulas found reach towards our own e=mc2 universe.

We need help in this enterprise. Believing it is a goal worth the attention of individuals, communities and our whole civilization, we are organizing #BAUniC, Building a Universe Competition/Collaboration/Challenge.

Anyone who is interested in improving skills needed for intermediary steps, from formula to rendering it in a computer, is welcomed to contribute and learn.

Some can help with the formulas, some with the programming, some with testing/reproducing, some with teaching, some with organizing, some with promoting, and some with the coin pot to inspire challengers.

Fundraising bitcoin address: 184FreFajZwXksbezbKaU4XHxonVAyaYs2
Fundraising kickstarter, in progress.

Monetary donations will go to the pot to be distributed among winning challengers.

Other forms of contributions may include sponsored content.

The organization will be handled by volountary human-to-human interaction mediated by the internet until it becomes too much for our collaborators to handle, in which case we will apply percentage fees (2% of the delivered prizes, smaller than the 4% + 3% that Kickstarter gets).

Monetary donations will be rewarded with votes, which can be used to judge competing projects.
A worst case maximum of 1/3 the pot will be distributed to worthy projects. The remaining money, and their voting value, will still be there.

Which means: Voting contributor once, contributor for life!

To achieve this easily (without discarding any existing votes), new votes will be sold at double price next year.

We aim at a 10 Bitcoin AND 5000 USD first prize,
6 Bitcoin + 3000 USD, 2nd prize, (3/5 of first prize)
4 Bitcoin + 2000 USD, 3rd prize, (2/5 of first prize)
3 Bitcoin + 1500 USD, 4th prizes, 2 of them; (2x 3/10 of first prize)
2 Bitcoin + 1000 USD, 5th prize, 3 of them; (3x 2/10 of first prize)
1 Bitcoin + 500 USD, 6th prize, 4 of them; (4x 1/10 of first prize)
1/2 Bitcoin + 250 USD, 7th prize, 8 of them; (8x 1/20 of first prize)

That means, 40 bitcoins and 20'000 USD for a complete target competition event. A maximum of 1/3 of the pot will be distributed at the same ratio between prizes up, to that target. Beyond that, a second competitive event will be planned (the 'Best Tutorial' category).

If the first two categories are filled in, self-sustainability will take priority.

If the target needs of 80 bitcoins or 40'000 USD are met within 1/9 of their respective pot, the respective treasurers will get 2% of the delivered prizes for handling the ledger and keeping tabs (that would be 800 USD a year for handling money, votes, and IDs/names).

If the target needs of 80 bitcoins or 40'000 USD are met within 1/10 of the pot (that is, having gathered 800 bitcoins or 400'000 USD), a third competitive category will be added to the competition, as agreed between contributors.

If the target needs of 120 bitcoins or 60'000 USD for 3 competitions are met within 1/10 of the pot, a 4th competing category will be added.

If the target needs of 160 bitcoins or 80'000 USD for 4 categories are met within 1/10 of the pot, a final 5th category will be added.

If the target needs of 200 bitcoins or 100'000 USD for full 5 competing categories are met within 1/10 of the pot, prizes will increase by 50%, with a first prize of 15 bitcoin and 7500 USD, and their respective ratios (or their combination, if, let's say bitcoin donations won't do as well as USD).

If the target needs of 300 bitcoins or 150'000 USD for full 5 competing categories are met within 1/10 of the pot, prizes will increase by another 50% over their original target, 20 bitcoin and 10'000 USD first prizes.

If the target needs of 400 bitcoins or 200'000 USD for a full house of double prizes are met within 1/10 of the pot, first prize will become 30 bitcoins and 15'000 USD.

If we reach 600 bitcoins or 300'000 USD within 1/10 of the pot for a full house at 30 bitcoin and 15'000 USD first prize, first prize and associated ratios will grow to 40 bitcoins and 20'000 USD.

This trend of growing first prizes (10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160, 240, 480 bitcoins; 5000, 7500, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 60k, 80k, 160k, 240k, 480k, 960k) will continue till reaching 480 bitcoins and 960'000 USD (similar to the Nobel prizes). Beyond that prizes won't grow, donations will keep being rewarded with double votes per year, and self-sustainability will be the main goal.

Illustrated by example:

1 bitcoin = 1024 votes; 1 USD = 2 votes;
This example assumes we gather a total of 12 bitcoins and 12'000 USD
They are not enough for a full prize as intended, so, the 1/3 of each will be delivered to winners, like this:
Total prizes: 4 bitcoins, 4000 USD.
First prize: 1 bitcoin, 1000 USD;
2nd prize: 3/5 bitcoin...
Mandatory categories are: "Best Formula" and "Best Tutorial". Only the "Best Formula" category will be rewarded with prizes in such scenario.

1 bitcoin = 2048 votes; 1 USD = 4 votes;
We assume we get an extra 10 bitcoins to the 8 we are left with, and an extra 19k USD to the 8k we are left with.
18/3 = 6 bitcoins for prizes; 27k/3 = 9k USD for prizes;
First prize: 1.5 bitcoins and 2250 USD.
2nd prize: 0.9 bitcoins and 1350 USD.... and so on. Undelivered prizes get back to the pot.

1 bitcoin = 4096 votes; 1 USD = 8 votes;
We assume we get an extra 6 bitcoins, getting us back to 18 for easy example calculations;
We assume we get an extra 102k USD to the 18k we are left with, for a high end example;
Again 6 bitcoins for prizes; First prize: 1.5 bitcoins; 2nd prize 0.9 ......
40k USD for prizes, 2 categories, 5k first prize of each, 3k 2nd prize ......
So far, keeping tabs and votes is done by volountary work.

1 bitcoin = 8192 votes; 1 USD = 16 votes;
We assume we don't get any bitcoin. We are left with 12 from the pot. 1/3 of which will be delivered to winners. 1st prize, 1 bitcoin; 2nd prize, 0.6 bitcoin, 3rd prize, 0.4 bitcoin.......
We assume we get 80k USD contributions to be added to the 80k USD pot we are left with.
40k USD for prizes at target 5k first prize for 2 categories of research, the rest gets to the self-sustainability of #BAUniC along with undelivered prizes and other donations. 2% of 40k go to the ones keeping the USD pot (800 USD, once, for all competitions of that year).

1 bitcoin = 16384 votes; 1 USD = 32 votes;
We assume we don't get any bitcoin donations to demonstrate the self-sustainability at extreme scenarios. We are left with 8 bitcoins, 2.66 of which will be delivered to winners, 0.66 bitcoin for the first prize, 0.4 bitcoin for the 2nd prize, and so on...
We assume we get 601k USD to the 119.2k we are left from 2019. We reach the point of increasing number of competitive events while still maintaining sustainability.
We can get 3 competing categories, 60k reserved for prizes, 1.2k to the USD pot holders. First prize 5k USD for each category. Second prize 3k per category and so on.

1 bitcoin = 32768 votes; 1 USD = 64 votes;
We are left with 5.33 bitcoins, 1.77 bitcoins for prizes, 0.44 bitcoin first prize......
We assume we get 342k to the 658.8k we are left from 2020, and we can go for a full house of 5 competing categories with 5k first prize.

1 bitcoin = 64k votes; 1 USD = 128 votes;
We are left with 3.56 bitcoins, 1.18 of which go to prizes, ~0.3 bitcoin first prize ........
We assume we get 1100k donations to the ~900k left after prizes of 2021. Full house, 5 competitive events, at higher prizes. At this point we can go for a first prize of 10k or 15k if we get over or under 2000k USD total pot. If the total prizes delivered are 200k, first prize will be 10k USD for each category, and so on. Maintenance costs would be 2% of 200k, (4k USD one shot for the committee handling the registrations and votes. Compare that to a part time job, and see why this is mostly volountary still, but on the right path to changing the world and the awesome endorphin rewards coming with that).

Other Categories as decided by voting members:

*Best Scenery
*Most useful formula to aid current physics
*Best Chances for Life
*Best Chances for Civilizations
*Closest match to Our Cosmos
*Finding our home in the emc2 multiverse
*FTL communication between pockets of coherent spacetime
*The Fractal Supercomputer
*2 way communication (Meeting the lifeforms inside the fractals)
*Supernatural initial cause within the formula (BigBang, G0D)
*Guiding cause-effect from adjacent physics to affect our galactic/solar/earth neighbourhood

Friday, July 22, 2016

Wikipedia post of 20160721

Building A Universe Competition/Collaboration/Challenge, #BAUniC[1] started in late 2015 under the more memorable name 'Fractal Universe Challenge' but switched into the new naming system because "A rose may not smell as sweet with a different name".

The main goal of the #BAUniC initiative is to change the world, by bringing forward changes to our understanding of spacetime under the guide of the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis. The path of implementation consists of creating a collaborative environment for ideas and best practices to be nourished into usefulness and reproduction, linking various disciplines in input:transformation:formula:output mode, delineating what is needed for a line of execution to be completed from idea to rendering, and allowing for the missing pieces to be filled in by experts of the particular fields.

Other goals of #BAUniC are:

    Inspiring collaboration in generations of blessed-by-technology people aspiring for more but cursed by the same technology to an overburden of information before being able to contribute to anything meaningful.
    Becoming a self sustaining entity (like the Nobel prize).
    Bringing transcendence fast enough to keep Stephen Hawking among us in interactive form
    Helping advancing scanning and brain upload techniques with high enough resolution available to the masses for free or very cheap.
    New materials, nanotechnology, hybrid biology, etc. coming from a deeper understanding of physics and mass/energy interactions.
    (Theoretical) Faster Than Light communication between pockets of spacetime in event/information coherence.
    (Theoretical) Fractal Supercomputers executing the transformations in imaginary planes relating to the real plane by the input/output stream on the physical parts.
    (Theoretical) Exploring concepts of alternative physics and their representations, complex enough to hold civilizations within.
    (Theoretical) Exploring alternative emergent phenomena (particles) interactions in alternative storylines (multiverse) for our familiar physics.
    (Theoretical) Exploring alternative cause/effect starting states resulting in the cosmos as observed (supernatural within the bounds of the base fractal formula, aka. the Big Bang)
    (Theoretical) Exploring the possibility that all that can potentially be interpreted to exist, actually has a representation/transformation stable enough to be called 'it exists', similar to our physics.

#BAUniC is gathering donations to provide as prizes for winners of the competition. Resources are gathered in Bitcoin and USD. Donations are rewarded with votes carrying the weight of winner selection among participating projects. Votes are permanent, to keep attracting the interest of previous contributors. A vote deflation mechanism is put in place to help with the self sustaining aim, halving each year the price of votes. Votes are rounded down to the lowest integer value.

2016 vote prices are: 1 bitcoin = 1024 votes. 1 USD = 2 votes.

2017 vote prices will be: 1 bitcoin = 2048 votes. 1 USD = 4 votes.

Only a maximum of 1/3 of the total gathered is distributed among winning projects each year, ensuring continuation of the apparatus.

#BAUniC2016 is the competitive event finalizing the year's efforts of participating teams. So far there are 7 competing teams for 2016, 5 of which have works in progress, and only one of which has a complete testable reusable platform.

Treasurer of #BAUniC is Nathan Fisher of the channel Nate's Turn (

The gathering platforms are intentionally left at zero-cost, in order to inspire intellectual contributions from non-scientific enthusiasts, and to insist it can be done at zero-cost.

The promotional campaign consists of knowledgeable individuals answering technical, philosophical and metaphysical questions, a like/share/retweet intervention group, and a movie in a fictional universe where #BAUniC is on the success path to its theoretical objectives.

"Building A Universe Competition"


We pleaded the wikipedians to first at least read the content before going for the automatic deletion of the article. We pleaded for their assistance to bring it to wikipedia's standards since it would take much longer for us to do a poor job anyway in comparison. We pleaded to get a human-to-human connection, and we got a robotic deletion without bothering to read.

Wikipedians, please contest that, here. If any of the above is not true, contest that.

If your soul has grown corporate and automatic, I feel bad for you. Rules are there to keep order, not to enslave the rule-makers, just in case you forgot it. Sometimes, some things, may need to bend the rules, because we are humans. Our physics substrate may obey definite rules. Our decision making should be above that.